Friday, November 29, 2013

Ninja in progress

Here's a character I'm building in Maya. We haven't even touched character modeling yet, so I'm learning this on my own. Very rough right now, but also very fun!


A Mech I was working on outside of class. Might come back and finish this later.

Intro to Maya Final

We had to create a room and populate it with furniture. Here are my final renders.

Mayan Temple

A Mayan Temple I rendered for Intro to Maya

Temple without textures

Final render with textures

Beginning 3D

We started learning Maya a few weeks back. Here are a couple renders I've put together.

Character designs

A couple of character designs I made for Storyboarding.
A goblin pilot, our villain.

A cargo pilot, our hero.


Here are a few select frames I did for my Storyboarding class. These were meant to be pretty simple, I got carried away with a couple.

Environment assignment

This is another photo manipulation for our Photoshop class. I get this really cheesy vampire fan fiction vibe from it. Oh well, I don't hate it!

Blitz Soda!

Here's an ad I had to make for class using images I found online.
I thought this one was fun to do.